The War Against the Mentally Ill



The rise in violence, particularly gun violence, is being blamed on the mentally-ill, adding even more stigma to their already misunderstood existance.  If people insist on blaming the mentally-ill, I suggest creating a specific disorder in the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM–5)

for this condition, instead of lumping all mentally-ill persons into one category.  Perhaps Gun-o-phelia, Gun-Loving Delusions of Grandeaur, or Gun-Loving Personality Disorder  for tbose with excessive attachment to their weapons, along with the belief that their firearms will solve all problems and keep them safe in the terrifyingly darkest recesses of their minds.

The Glorification of Guns in America

Because, “Happiness is a Warm Gun”

In this United States of America, there seems to be a fascination, an affection, a powerful and almost sexual attraction to guns. Oseene of my favorite toys in the 1960’s (or maybe it really was my older brother’s) was an attache case that shot bullets out the side.  It could have been this one, or it could have been a cheap copy, but I thought it was the coolest toy ever.  I don’t recall any of the accessories/guns included.  However, I was well-aware it was a toy.  I had no fantasies of killing anyone. Continue reading “The Glorification of Guns in America”